Wednesday, February 27, 2013


In times of resting, I find myself unhappy not to be productive.

This year is full of mixed luck for me so far. My only valuable material possession (my motorcycle) got stolen, then I was surprised to be reimbursed by my insurance and find another inexpensive motorcycle. A week after getting the new bike, I laid the bike down avoiding a car, but luckily a bi-standard was a great mechanic and fixed my bike in less then 24 hours. Even though it has been kind of a roller coaster ride, there is no way to overlook how much worse things could have gone and fail to be grateful for the good luck I've had this year. 

Since my hands were injured, I realized how much I do with them. In a few days I will have healed completely. Allot of change for me, new hands, a new vehicle. Hopefully soon a new job and a new home.

Hopefully this break in my life, lets me go in the right direction. I want to be honest with myself as far as what I have energy to do. Physics prerequisites and the BA are going very well. I hope to find the effort to resume studying for the MCAT. 

The way the year started, I feel like I can expect good things, but should be extra careful and prepared

I feel really grateful for my loved ones today; the more I need help, the more they look out for me without being asked. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Playing Catch Up

Trying to start waking up at 6 AM again to get more done, hasn't really been working out lately. Therefore, I have been sleeping really late and missing jiu jitsu.

The year started off great and continued strong with the storage cleaning event. This week I started having problems sleeping for the first time that I can remember. I just took a 25 mg diphenhydramine, a melatonin supplement and a sleepy time peach tea. I already feel drowsy.

I have a tournament next weekend, but I have always had trouble being motivated to fight tournaments. There is good competition somewhere... but I can't bring myself to fight hard when there is nothing to gain by winning. 

My number one focus right now is getting my sleeping back under control. I also need to prepare my Bamboo Massage presentation for Friday morning. I want to start learning better Chinese and Japanese using Italki and Skype. I would love to find the secret to putting more effort into the things I do. I have been been staying on a healthy diet and completed the daunting task of cleaning the trash out of my dad's storage unit (with help). The year is going to be more focused on school and less on jiu jitsu and weightlifting then I would like, but it is very important how much I can stay focused and juggle volunteering because it is the last year before medical school. 

Today I was late waking up, but I managed to catch up on what I needed to do at night. Tomorrow I want to wake up at 6 AM. 

I feel optimistic today. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Big Ambitions

I started five websites today: Spirit World Tattoos, Bamboo Massage Therapy, Web CFNT, the Holistic Universe and the Robot Tutor

It will be difficult and rewarding to build and maintain so many websites. Each one reflects an important aspect of my life. Tattoos are my artistic and cultural side representing both my heritage and my soul. Massage Therapy (Bamboo Massage and Web CFNT) is my profession and service to the community, my way of changing the world for the better. The Holistic Universe represents my current knowledge of food healing and my aspirations of becoming a doctor of osteopathy. The Robot Tutor is a place for all the knowledge I have gathered for my future children and all the world to have (my testament).

I have reduced the clutter in my life drastically this year. I think I only kept a quarter of my belongings. I threw away photos, letters and keepsakes that had negative memories and I feel much better and more able to take care of new obligations.

I have done very well in school. I got 100% on my final paper, I did well in Chemistry, I got into the university and began the last of my med school prerequisites. Next year I need to make time for research, increased volunteering, shadowing a DO and retaking the MCAT. The last thing to do this year is finish all my cleaning, digitalize my notes and get ready to find a new job next year. 

Today I was late to the shop, I need to start using my old habits of leaving early and planning out my days. Tomorrow I want to wake up so early I have time to do laundry and get some extra work done on my websites. 

I feel I am facing a huge challenge next year, but I also feel capable to meet the challenges I face and become  a stronger and better person next year. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Winter Cleaning

It was my pleasure to teach bamboo massage at American Career College in Anaheim today. The class was respectful and involved. I am excited to go back January 11th for the second half of my course (I need to remind them to bring mats and ask Kevin about trading bamboo for my next batch).

Teaching is something I enjoy doing on the side, but would not want to do full time. Teaching qigong has become my favorite time of the week.

Right now is the time to get as much done as possible, before the school semester starts up with a vengeance.

Things to do include, getting rid of my old notes, making a CFNT website, contacting a disabled research agency and cleaning my room well. 

Today I want to clean my carpet, I hope it dries well. Tomorrow I want to wake up early and get the week started in the right direction.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Good Chemistry

[The day before my Chemistry Final]
I had a wonderful dream, I feel so good today, still getting ready for the final and the future. :)

[The day of my Chemistry Final]
I feel like I did well on my test. I haven't done many of my normal activities this past week, so that I could study and it paid off allot today on the test.

So many positive things have been happening lately. Often in the past I felt overwhelmed with my busyness and unsure about my finances. Lately, I have been able to focus better by being more organized. Specifically I threw out old paperwork and took care of old problems. My goal is to reduce all my paperwork to one drawer of my file cabinet by the the end of the year (ambitious). Just like my cluttered objects needed homes to go, my cluttered activities need time slots. I always want to do more than I can, so I made scheduled so busy I couldn't keep up with them. I'm still struggling with that, but at least I'm starting to be more realistic. Prioritizing lets me know what gets chopped when I don't have time for everything; it also helps me feel more control and less overwhelmed. I wrote down my priories. It made me feel good. 

The most important thing in my life other then health and family is getting into medical school. I'll have to make time to keep my grades up volunteer and do research. I will have to study more and retake the MCAT also.

As far as work goes, I think it is time to bite the bullet and get a second job since my tattoo apprenticeship is going well (but slow) and my Private Massage Practice is growing but not enough to pay the bills. I am glad to be alive everyday,  everything is interesting even though I haven't lived up to my expected scheduled for even one week yet. I'll get there. I cleaned my room of what I don't need, that was a major accomplishment for me. I started donating my unused items the first Tuesday of every month to the Goodwill. It is crazy how much stuff builds up in only a month!  I expected to have nothing more after I cleaned my room, but an online clothes order was too big, there were shoes I knew I wouldn't wear, there was stuff from the hall ex.

Today I woke up very happy and very rested, sinfully had a cup of coffee, took my Chemistry final and did well (I think). Tonight I am going to a party, tomorrow good things are waiting for me.

I feel really accomplished, happy and relieved today. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Slept in Late

Fell out of bed and re-injured my knee this morning; I slept in late since I dreaded the errand filled day to come.

Monday is laundry day, grocery day, cleaning day, budget day and the day I go to chemistry (therefore last minute homework day). I am overwhelmed by the amount I need to get done. I am also having lunch for a good friend's birthday today.

I don't need groceries today, finished cleaning the hall (kind of), cleaned my bedroom to its normal state, almost done with laundry, budgeting was easy since there is no extra money to sort, time to start chemistry homework soon.

I've been going to school on time, studying a little, learning more and staying on a very healthy diet. Still not going back to the gym and keeping this diary at least weekly. I still feel I need to focus on getting my day to day life under control, keeping the same schedule for two weeks would make me feel so much better. 

Today I am struggling to take control of me week. I think I should try to wake up earlier the rest of the week.  

I feel a little lost today.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Qigong Revolution

I found the reason I get sick so often, and what I can do to prevent illness from hindering my life. It would have been exciting, if it didn't require footwork on my end. I have many allergies and have been eating cheese, even though I am allergic to milk. I thought cottage cheese was healthy, but since I can't digest milk, obviously I can't digest cheese either. I have been getting strange hives, rashes and swelling of my eyes, probably from eating cheese. 

I am 6 days behind in studying for the MCAT, since I went to Qi Revolution. It was the most nutritionally educational 4 days of my life. 

I vowed to keep practicing the Qigong (similar to Tai Chi) everyday for 30 days and also to eat better (it is a gradual changing process).

Now I'm aspiring to get back on track studying for the MCAT, have an even more positive attitude, learn more about massage by having an open mind as a graduate, putting more passion into the things I do, staying on my new healthy diet, go back to the gym Monday night and keep improving as a tattoo artist. I have more goals, but for now I just want to focus on getting my week under control now that I am done with massage therapy school (yay!). 

Today I was on time to the last day of school, I felt glad that I learned a crazy amount of anatomy, kinesiology and body work, but I know in my heart I have much more assessment, energetics and stretching to learn. I can't wait to learn more reflexology to help me cheat on assessments. Tomorrow I want to wake up so early to do Qigong in the morning air. 

I feel really accomplished, but truly humble also today.