Thursday, June 21, 2012

Small Victory

I am really happy that I finished my 50 minute massage on time today. I thought it would take a lot longer to catch up, since I have been finishing last for the last 9 months straight. However, to my surprise, it didn't take long at all to get the timing down very well once I focused on it. I have the feeling that from now on, time won't really be a problem, which is good in case I go to work somewhere. Massage has been nothing but a series of small victories for me. I fixed Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, I fixed a bad elbow, hundreds of trigger points, a dozen head aches, oodles of scar tissue. I don't try hard, I just focus, relax and do my best as a student. That has served me better then trying hard. I worked for 5 years in the ambulance and it never got to be a burden. But, now that I got laid off, I think a will retire from that work. I think I will try to work as a massage therapist. I just hope that I don't work anywhere that starts to corrode my enjoyment and stifle my growth. It would be unfortunate for me to loose my passion to help people, when few people truly have that passion to loose.  

I have been keeping up with studying, but I have not yet been able to get ahead. Unfortunately, I couldn't get into any summer classes. I really hope I will be able to get the 3 classes I need this Fall, General Chemistry 2, Physics and Biology.  

I wanted to get through studying the rest of muscle tissue, the nervous system and the endocrine system today, so I could spend tomorrow drawing, but it will be unlikely since it is already 8PM.

I read a tip for applying to med school today that said "Where is Waldo." The point was to stand out like Waldo... I don't think they realized that Waldo doesn't stand out, and it takes a minute to find him, even when you are looking.

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