Thursday, June 14, 2012

No More Coffee

Finished studying for the MCAT late today. I haven't drunk coffee in about two weeks (I have been drinking earl grey, green and lemon grass tea) my energy levels are improving. At first I couldn't wake up mentally without the coffee, but now my mind feels much less foggy. I've been eating flax seed oil everyday with cottage cheese, I have noticed a boost in memory retention and mental acuity since the first week I started eating that snack. The cottage cheese provides sulfur protein that helps the omega 3 from the flax seed be absorbed by the body at the point of the cell membrane. Nominated 7 times for the Nobel Prize, German Biochemist Dr. Budwig developed the cottage cheese flax seed oil diet to cure cancer. I use the omega 3 to help my memory retention. Someday, when I have free time, I plan to read Dr. Budwig's book. There is a lot of information online about her diet:

Things like curing cancer with food make me hopeful that we can see an end to cancer in my lifetime. I want to be an instrument in people's well being. Often I feel like I can't break through to people around me who have very ignorant, common views about health. I have learned so much and experienced so much recently regarding health, nutrition and fitness, but it was the experiences that changed me, not the information. I don't know how to be able to share information with average people in a way that they will really take seriously so they will be able to benefit from knowing what I now know. It's a frustrating feeling. I think most people are not mentally open to the scientific or medical terms that are the basis of physiology and health. Maybe if people learned physiology in laymen's terms they would have a basis to understand their own health?  

It makes me happy that I am concerned about other people's health, when I was younger I wouldn't have concerned myself with anyone else's problems. I just got laid off from the ambulance recently, but having spent the last five years working with sick and hurt people gave me more compassion then I ever expected to have. Often people see me as very clinical, but I am compassionate to the sick. It truly pains me that some people suffer so much from diabetes and kidney failure, the body functions shutting down one by one (neuropathy takes away feeling of the limbs and body, diabetic diet takes away sweets, mascular degeneration  takes away vision, poor circulation takes away the ability to heal small cuts and bruises, renal failure takes away the bodies ability to remove toxins from food and drinks and eliminate toxins from the body). All sickness is sad, but the ones that were not only preventable, but easily preventable, those are the ones that make me lament. I want to know exactly what is true about health and what is not in preparation for the day that someone takes an interest in their own well being and respects me enough to come to me for advice. I have found a lot more healing with massage therapy, then I ever expected to find. Especially regarding mental health. I have worked on people with depression, anxiety and insomnia and unintentionally make a significant difference in those problems.

I feel hopeful and frustrated. Frustrated that the health care system and general health of this country is so unexceptionably abysmal causing the majority of people to be ill and suffer, but hopeful that the ignorance, greed and corruption which caused the problem can be strangulated by knowledge, generosity and a new reign of osteopathic medicine.

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